September 20th: WSM Lessons Begin!
Lessons for All Ages
Openings are still available for weekly instruction in guitar, classical piano, jazz piano, strings, woodwinds and voice along with unique performance opportunities in our new location above MoCA Westport!
Online Lessons
We will work with you to design your child’s best learning experience.
Children as young as 7 are taking virtual lessons!
In-Person COVID-SAFE Lessons
Masks are required for everyone in the building.
Studios are sanitized between each lesson.
The entire building HVAC system provides above hospital-grade air filtration.
Adults in their 60's are studying in person!
Reaching Where Words Cannot
Music therapy sessions for students with disabilities are offered on Saturdays.
Individually-designed programs may include a combination of singing, instrument-playing, movement, song-writing and relaxation techniques to meet a student’s cognitive, emotional, physical, and social concerns.